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ATTENTION NEW, CURRENT, & PROSPECTIVE EMPLOYEES: New salary schedules have been approved by the Wayne County Board of Education for all classified employees. Click on Salary Schedules to view the higher paying and/or more competitive salaries now available for employees beginning January 2023 (More information below).
Wayne County Public Schools and the Wayne County Board of Education are working to recruit high quality candidates to serve our schools and our students. Salary and benefits are two key components of these efforts.
WCPS teachers, administrators, and other licensed staff (e.g. media coordinators, psychologists, audiologists, speech-language pathologists, school counselors and school social workers) are paid on state-adopted salary schedules. Certified salaries are based on licensure, years of experience, and degree held. Click on Current Certified Salaries to view salary schedules and scales for teachers, administrators, and other certified employees.
Thanks to the forward thinking leadership of the district administration and the Wayne County Board of Education, WCPS classified staff are also paid on local-adopted salary schedules. Classified positions are non-certified and encompass a wide range of support service roles (e.g. instructional assistants, maintenance personnel, bookkeepers, Data Managers, cafeteria workers, custodians, transportation staff.) Beginning in January 2023, classified staff were moved to higher paying and/or more competitive salary schedules which have guaranteed salary steps that are tied to years of service. Click on Classified Salary Schedules to view salary schedules and scales for teachers, administrators, and other certified employees.