Academic Areas
Program Supports
Human Resources
In order to apply for Family Medical Leave (FMLA), employee must work with Wayne County Schools for at least one full calendar year. FMLA is job-protected leave that covers employee's insurance while out of work. FMLA is unpaid leave, but the employee has the option to receive pay by using accumulated leave days.
Whether maternity leave or other reasons for leave, please submit a letter requesting the type of leave you plan to use including annual, sick, extended sick leave and donated leave.
You will need to have your doctor complete the FMLA Forms
If you are taking leave to care for a family member, have doctor to complete Family Member Form
Once completed, return to Human Resources for approval
If you are in need of donated leave, the following must apply to you:
Serious medical condition, surgery, or complications with pregnancy
To apply for donated leave, complete the Voluntary Shared Leave Form
If you are in need of Short-Term disability, contact Human Resources at (919) 705-6179