Academic Areas
Program Supports
Human Resources
Wayne County Public Schools currently employs 6 full-time school psychologists, 1 part-time psychologist, and 4 full-time school psychologist interns. School psychologists serve WCPS in a variety of roles which often differ based upon the needs of our individual schools. WCPS school psychologists apply expertise in mental and behavioral health, learning, and social-emotional development to help support the whole student achieve within a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS). They partner with families, teachers, administrators, and other professionals to create safe, healthy, and supportive environments for all students. School psychologists use problem-solving, interventions and assessments, consultation, collaboration, and data-based decision making to provide a comprehensive range of services.
This webpage has been developed to help provide information to both parents and other school personnel regarding disabilities and related resources. For any questions, concerns, or comments on the materials provided, please contact the psychology department
School Psychological Services
Attn: EC Department
300 Dixie Trail, Building O
Goldsboro, NC 27530
tel: (919) 580-3662
fax: (919) 736-5030