Due to the icy conditions impacting secondary roadways, all schools will be CLOSED for students and staff, Thursday, January 23.

Inclement Weather Announcement: Tuesday, January 21: All schools will dismiss two (2) hours early & All after-school programs are canceled. Wednesday, January 22: All schools will be CLOSED for students and staff.

Reminder: WCPS will be closed Monday January 20, in recognition of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day Holiday. We hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday weekend!

Reminder: Wednesday, January 15, will be an early release day for most Traditional Calendar schools and Carver Heights Elementary. WEMCHS, WSE, & WSTA will dismiss at their regular time. All other schools will dismiss 2-hours early.

Weather Alert: Due to the threat of icy weather forecast to arrive as early as Friday evening, all schools will dismiss two (2) hours early, Friday, January 10. All students and staff will dismiss two hours earlier than usual to ensure school buses are off the road before any potential slick conditions occur. All after school programs are canceled Friday and all campuses will remain closed this weekend.

Reminder: Friday, December 20, is an early release day for all WCPS students. All schools will dismiss two hours earlier than usual. Have a safe and happy Holiday break!

Reminder: There will be no school for WCPS students Wednesday, November 27 through Friday, November 29. Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving break!

Reminder: Wednesday, November 20, will be an early release day for most Traditional Calendar schools and Carver Heights Elementary. WEMCHS, WSE, & WSTA will dismiss at their regular time. All other schools will dismiss 2-hours early.

Reminder: Monday, November 11 is Veterans Day. All schools will be closed. On behalf of WCPS, thank you to all of the men and women who have served, or who are currently serving, as a member of the United States Armed Forces. It is truly our honor to serve you and your families!

REMINDER: Wednesday, October 30, will be an early release day for most Traditional Calendar schools and Carver Heights Elementary. WEMCHS, WSE, & WSTA will dismiss at their regular time. All other schools will dismiss 2-hours early. Please contact your child’s school if you need more information.

REMINDER: Friday, October 18, will be a Workday for Traditional Calendar schools & Carver Heights Elementary. There will be no school for students. WEMCHS and WSE will operate on their regular schedules. Please contact your child’s school if you need more information.

Reminder: Wednesday, Sept. 25, will be an early release day for most Traditional schools and Carver Heights Elem. WEMCHS, WSTA, & WSE will dismiss at their regular time. All other schools will dismiss 2-hours early. Please contact your child’s school if you need more information.

Weather Announcement - Due to the threat of heavy rains overnight, potentially causing flooded roadways or other issues for buses and car riders in the morning, WCPS will be operating on a 2-Hour delay, Tuesday, Sept. 17. All students and staff will report two (2) hours later than usual.

Weather Announcement: Due to the threat of inclement weather later today, all after school programs and school sponsored events have been canceled for this afternoon, Monday, September 16.

Reminder: WCPS will be CLOSED September 2 for the Labor Day holiday. We hope all of our students, staff, and families have a great Labor Day weekend!

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Friday, June 7 is an early release day, and the last day of school for WCPS students on the traditional calendar. If your child is involved in testing readministration, we look forward to seeing them back next week. Have a great summer!

Reminder: Monday, May 27, is a holiday and there will be no school for students who attend Traditional Calendar schools & Carver Heights Elementary. Students will return to school on Tuesday, May 28. Have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend.

REMINDER: Friday, May 10, will be a Workday for Traditional Calendar schools & Carver Heights Elementary. There will be no school for students. GHS, WEMCHS, and WSE will operate on their regular schedules. Please contact your child’s school if you need more information.

Reminder: Wednesday, April 24, will be an early release day for most Traditional Calendar schools, Carver Heights Elementary, & Goldsboro High. WEMCHS, WSTA, & WSE will dismiss at their regular time. All other schools will dismiss 2-hours early. Please contact your child’s school if you need more information.